D. Forest and Farm Facility Phase II Project

The Forest and Farm Facility (FFF) is a multi-donor programme, housed within the Forestry Division of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. The FFF Phase II is a partnership among Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and AgriCord. The overall objective of the FFF is to support Forest and Farm Producer Organizations (FFPO) to be primary agents of change, build climate resilient landscapes and improved livelihoods. The Forest and Farm Facility’s (FFF) Phase II comes at a time of renewed global efforts toward sustainable development, notably the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its goals (SDGs) and Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to fight climate change as part of the Paris Agreement.

A global panel of experts selected the core FFF countries for the second phase based on the received expressions of interest in May 2018, and the FFF steering committee endorsed the selected countries including Ghana. In October 2018, the Forestry Commission of Ghana and the FAO signed the Country Agreement for the implementation of the FFF in Ghana. The FFF phase II was launched in Ghana on 18th November, 2018.

Key Activities Undertaken


  • Capacity building workshops have been held for FFPOs on Building Climate Resilience, Forest Laws and Policies, Forest governance
  • FFPOs activities have been monitored to ensure alignment with project workplan
  • Zonal and National Policy dialogues have been held to promote issues of interest for FFPOs
  • Capacity building workshops for FFPOs (workshops on :Climate Resilience, Forest laws, policy and governance undertaken)